Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer Mini Session

It's time to get the ball rolling.   I am now scheduling for my first Mini-Session!!

Most of you are probably familiar with the concept of a Mini-Session, but for those who aren't, here is the idea.

I will be setting up for photographs in my yard at 242 Loch Lomond Road here in Bridge City.  The theme will be summertime and I am planning a few different themes that you can choose from.  Here are some of my thoughts:

Family picnic
Stars & Stripes
Watermelon time
Playing in the sprinkler

I am blocking out 20 minutes for each session.  Want to do more than one theme? Let's go for it.  How about doing a family picnic eating watermelon, then everyone jump in the sprinkler to wash off the juice!  If we can get it done in 20 minutes, let's do it.

The session is for up to 4 people.  If you want to include more than that, just add $10 for each person to the price of the session.  Pets count just like a person!

Included in your session fee are five 5x7 professional prints.  You will have the option to purchase more prints if you want.  I can also offer you different options once your images are ready.  You will also receive a disk of social media images to share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  These are watermarked images not intended for printing.

Still have questions?  Just shoot me a message on Facebook.

Monday, June 17, 2013

New Things

I love new things.  

But who doesn't?  Today I unpacked my new pressure washer.  I guess technically it is my husband's new pressure washer but since he was at work, I claimed it.  Putting it together was a snap.  I was cleaning the driveway in no time.

As much as I love new toys, I love new babies 100 times more!  And today I got to photograph six day old Cole.  Oh he was so squishy and sweet.  After my last two newborn sessions with girls, I was happily surprised when this sweet little boy didn't wet on any of my blankets or rugs!

So now on to the next new thing, my grand opening.  It's coming soon so be on the look out!  If you are interested in booking a session,  please contact me via my website or my Facebook page.

I will leave you with another peek at Cole.